I wasn’t supposed to love you You were my friend The person I could tell anything We were wrong for more Then one night I was shattered Someone took my control You were there every step of the way Giving me everything I needed I realized you were not just a friend You were my best friend As time went on the physical healed Mostly thanks to you The emotional will take so much more Before long you became more I didn’t just love my friend I was in love with someone who didn’t feel the same I wasn’t supposed to love you You were always special to me I always cared more than you Now it was so much worse It was slowly tearing me apart I was already broken If I continued loving what I couldn’t have I would never come back I had to let you go Putting up that boundary hurt more than you can imagine My heart is in pieces So easy for you to let me go So now I’m picking up all my broken pieces So easy for you to let me go A heart so ...
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